Prove Them Wrong

How I Stay Motivated

I was asleep…for about twenty years, watching others make something out of their lives, while I was content with going nowhere. My heart didn’t know how to dream; I had no goals nor aspirations; I had no idea that life was passing me by. I had to learn how to make goals and to dream.

After years of no progress in my life, my motivation thirst awakened. I took a good look at where I was and realized I had to make a change…a big change. I had to push past “stuck” and take action.

Zechariah 4:10: Do not despise these small beginnings, for the LORD rejoices to see the work begin

I enrolled in a technical college, in a medical administrative program that had nothing to do with my quiet reserved personality. After one job assignment attempt upon graduation, I left that field and didn’t look back.

Then I enrolled in a community college to become a quiet-type library assistant. It suited me, but was it really me? I volunteered in two different libraries and enjoyed it, but inside I felt restless. Was this a wrong turn too?

Not giving up, I enrolled in a theology school with controversial teachings. Yes, this was more like it. I started a page on Facebook that contained my deep theological meditations.

Zachariah 4:6-7: Not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit, saith the Lord of hosts. 7: Who art thou, O great mountain?

But what did I do whenever depression struck, and I wanted to give up? How did I find the motivation to keep going? First, I diligently watched motivational preaching and teaching and took notes. I had to learn how to make goals and to dream. Now I know that God delights in giving us the desires of our hearts.

1 Corinthians 14:40: Let all things be done decently and in order.

I also discovered that without a plan, I make little effort to accomplish anything. If I don’t see where I’m headed, how can I move toward it? So, I plan out my month, week, and each day in specific time slots ahead of time. I love the joy of checking off accomplished goals at the end of each week.

I analyzed my daily priorities and goals and determined what changes I wanted to make to my weekly schedule. Then, I typed out those changes and sought to implement them, complete with days and time slots.

I decided that every day should be designated to specific tasks, so I made Monday my paperwork day, Tuesday my housework day, Friday my organizing day, Sunday I focus on the Lord, and so on.

Hosea 10:12: Sow to yourselves in righteousness, reap in mercy; break up your fallow ground: for it is time to seek the Lord, till he come and rain righteousness upon you.

Whenever I face challenges, such as passing difficult exams or undertaking new projects, I type out extensive petitions to God and insert scriptures to back up my cries for His help. Then, I fast and present my petitions. I also lean on other saints for intercessory prayer to take my concerns powerfully before His throne. These actions always get me through, every time. God cares. And God answers.

Not only did my desire to succeed awaken, but also my thirst to achieve, to serve God, to be a blessing. I started a blog and a Facebook group on schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder, and anxiety, and am writing a memoir about my journey with mental illness.

Although these may seem like baby steps, to God be the glory. He has brought me 180 degrees from where I once was to where I am now. And this is only the beginning. According to Him, He is taking me to a glorious future, complete with open doors and dreams coming true. He said in a prophecy that my vision was too small for His plans for my life. We serve a God Who is able, and with Him, nothing is impossible.

Romans 12:10-11: Be kindly affectioned one to another with brotherly love; in honour preferring one another; Not slothful in business; fervent in spirit; serving the Lord;

I am a Christian woman who has lived schizoaffective disorder and anxiety for over 25 years. This site takes its readers into the depths of mental illness and anxiety from a Christian perspective, and how God has helped me cope with and manage my mental struggles.

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