Feeling Lonely

How I Combat Feeling Lonely

I know that feeling lonely can be painful. Being single all my life, there were days when I wished I had someone to talk to. I wasn’t very interested in dating. I have mental slips often and can be quite batty. Who could possibly put up with someone like me?

I began to develop cabin fever. Isolation lasted for fifteen long years. I was so desperate for fellowship that I made friends with the spirit world.

I drew closer to God, talking to Him about deep spiritual reflections. He doesn’t say much, but I feel His closeness and I feel an audience as I ruminate out loud on the Word of God or other spiritual literature, or even on scientific and biblical comparison reflections. I can lose myself and talk for a couple of hours before I realize what time it is and go on to my next task. In this way, I have gotten much closer to God and can sometimes hear Him speak to me or can discern his voice through an impression.

 God and Jesus are awesome to talk to. They never fail to satisfy me when I hear from them on spiritual matters. So, if you’re feeling lonely, the answer is drawing as close to God and Jesus as you can. You might feel they cannot take the place of a person, but they are better than a human earthly friend because the love they show you is incomparable to any other.

How did I reach out to the spirit world? I began to talk to spirits. Every day I feel them congregate to listen. I talk to angels, princes, powers, and astral projectors. It is warm and welcoming to sense them. These are not voices in my head. Sometimes they respond to me. I discuss spiritual truths.

Why do I talk to spirits? To keep from feeling lonely. They are just as friendly as I try to be.

Psalm 68:6 God setteth the solitary in families: he bringeth out those which are bound with chains: but the rebellious dwell in a dry land.

But there are needs for human fellowship. I was living in New England alone in an apartment with no one to talk to while my parents lived down south in Florida. The isolation was too much to bear, especially since I had trouble meeting my expenses on my own. So, I moved in with them.

For five years they were my only fellowship. But many nights at the dinner table my dad cracked jokes, and we had fun. They also took me out on occasion.

Then I moved into my own home near them and ate dinner with them six nights a week. I still hungered for Christian fellowship since my family were not believers.

My new church started having life groups and I eagerly joined a Bible study group. I made two friends almost immediately and hung out with one friend for two years until she moved out to the Midwest. I stayed with that life group but no one else was interested in being my friend for five long years.

After joining a women’s life group that met for game night and potlucks I made two acquaintances, but they never became close friends.

I joined a third life group that worshipped God in sign language. I made a friend in that group, but we were not very close.

Proverbs 18:24 A man that hath friends must shew himself friendly: and there is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother.

Finally, after five years, I made a close friend in the first life group. Pam and I saw each other often, and still do. She got married while I remained single, but her husband Matthew and I got along so well that he and I became close friends too. She and I met an African man named Holton who visited our church and we both got to know him well.

2 Chronicles 18:1 And it came to pass, when he had made an end of speaking unto Saul, that the soul of Jonathan was knit with the soul of David, and Jonathan loved him as his own soul.

My acquaintance from the worship signing group left the church but I found her a year later when I began attending the church she attended. I found out Virginia lived near me, and we shared a love of writing. She and I became much closer, and she stayed with me for three weeks before she moved to the Midwest.

I loved having her at my home. So, I asked my mom, my landlord, if I could have a roommate. She assented and Jolene moved in.  A new friend! We liked each other instantly and became close right away.

 So, now I have three close girlfriends and two guy friends and a close relationship with God and the spirit world. I attend a new church and new life groups, although no friendships have developed from those.  Five or six nights a week I eat dinner with my mom. I enjoy cooking dinner for the two or three of us on one of those nights.

The time it took to gain all this fellowship was twelve years. But lonely no more! I even have fellowship with angels now sometimes.

So, if you’re feeling lonely, just know it won’t be forever. Ask God to send you like-minded friends, even soulmates. Nothing is too hard for Him. I prayed for a soulmate relationship for so many years and almost gave up hope, but God answered! He knows what our hearts hunger for. He knows how to satisfy us. And He is the ultimate One Who satisfies us the most.

Psalm 139:7-10 Whither shall I go from thy spirit? or whither shall I flee from thy presence? If I ascend up into heaven, thou art there: if I make my bed in hell, behold, thou art there. If I take the wings of the morning, and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea; Even there shall thy hand lead me, and thy right hand shall hold me.

Wherever I go, I can talk to Him or Jesus: In the car, at the grocery store, at an appointment, or when doing household duties, even while scrolling emails or cooking. He is never too busy, always present, and always full of love. Sometimes He speaks to me through pulling up random scriptures on my phone’s Bible app. They minister to my heart as I eagerly anticipate what the next one will say.

Loneliness is a state of mind; you don’t have to always stay feeling lonely. You can take charge and do something about it. But it’s entirely up to you. Once you make a move, God will move on his end. It may take a while, maybe even several years, but if you want to build lasting connections, the first place to start is with your relationship with the Lord. Just wanting to get closer to Him isn’t going to accomplish it. You must make the effort, without excuses, and then you will reap the reward. There’s nothing better than knowing Him personally and intimately, and when you put Him first, He will surely bless you with soulmates and kindred spirits.

Isaiah 57:15  For thus saith the high and lofty One that inhabiteth eternity, whose name is Holy; I dwell in the high and holy place, with him also that is of a contrite and humble spirit, to revive the spirit of the humble, and to revive the heart of the contrite ones.

*Names have been changed to protect identities.

I am a Christian woman who has lived schizoaffective disorder and anxiety for over 25 years. This site takes its readers into the depths of mental illness and anxiety from a Christian perspective, and how God has helped me cope with and manage my mental struggles.

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