Feeling hopeless?

Feeling Hopeless; Wanting to Give Up

There are days when I feel hopeless, and tears threaten to come. In despair, I contemplate suicide. Discouragement reigns. Depression fills my soul and I slow down in pursuing my goals.

How does this start? Well, something occurs that disappoints or discourages me, or sadness permeates my being as I begin to feel unhappy with my life. Everything looks bleak, and I want to give up hope that things will improve. In that sadness, I cease being productive. I even may lay down in an attempt to nurse my pain and try to move past that moment of time by shutting my eyes. 

How do I hang on? I recognize that my hope has turned to hopelessness, and I pour out my sadness and despair to God. I tell Him honestly that I wish I could escape because it feels like it won’t get any better. The Lord always pulls me out of my depression. He shows He cares. No one cares more. He pulls me through the pain and makes me want to keep going. The Spirit of God even cries, making me realize how much my depression hurts Him. 

Psalm 31:24 Be of good courage, and he shall strengthen your heart, all ye that hope in the Lord.

I know deep inside that the devil is so powerful that we cannot fight him on our own. He has convinced so many people to end their life. The Lord always reminds me when I feel hopeless what other Christians in the world are suffering in persecution. I shudder when I recall their horror stories. Why do I feel so sad about my own life circumstances when I could be going through what they are going through? They are being raped, murdered, falsely accused, imprisoned, tortured, maimed, denied employment, kicked out of villages and their homes and businesses totally destroyed. My perspective shifts.

Then I think, what has God done for me lately? What do I have to be grateful for? I begin to see that life is indeed worth living. God is my Father, and He is awesome. I can come up with at least five recent blessings that encourage me that God loves me and is working in my life. 

I need to feel hope again, so I ask Him for encouragement. Then, over the next month, there are several encouraging messages I hear from Christian preachers that I watch on YouTube or even in my own church. My spirit begins to rise.

I hear prophetic words that seem aimed right at me, and I put my faith in God to turn my situation around. Not only that, but God gives me understanding of how He is using this situation for preparation and strength for what He has coming in my life. Without these traumas, I wouldn’t have the stamina, experience and knowledge to face what’s next. 

Zechariah 9:12 Turn you to the strong hold, ye prisoners of hope: even to day do I declare that I will render double unto thee;

He adjusts my perspective by showing me that even when I feel hopeless and though I am downtrodden, He is calling me and anointing me for His purposes and moving me into my destiny through the things that hurt me but have a purpose.

So, equipped with seeing the Lord’s agenda and how much He cares even through the injustice I am suffering, I pick myself up, let go of my grievances, put my trust in Him, and begin to try again. He is always the answer for when I feel hopeless.

I resume the fight to attain my goals and turn to motivational messages on YouTube. Then I take a look at my vision board and review my long-term goals list. I resume the focus on my priorities. 

For fun and destressing, I decide to do some activities I enjoy on purpose to cheer me up. I eat the delectable dessert; I buy myself some new personal gifts or clothes. I go out to eat with friends; I watch great movies while savoring my favorite pasta bowls. Seeking spiritual enlightenment strengthens me. Soon, I am elated.

Voila! The grip of hopelessness has been broken! Hallelujah! Glory to God. This scenario repeats every couple of months. But the fight is worth it because the devil can’t win when God is involved in the fight for hope. Don’t ever give up because hope is something God loves to restore. Our souls get weary when the devil attacks, but shifting our focus can make all the difference. Realize how much He loves you. He knows exactly how to minister to each of His own. No one else can encourage like He can. When we have no strength left, He gives us more. He carries us when we cannot continue the fight. Hold on, because He is holding onto you.

Psalm 42:11 Why art thou cast down, O my soul? and why art thou disquieted within me? hope thou in God: for I shall yet praise him, who is the health of my countenance, and my God.










I am a Christian woman who has lived schizoaffective disorder and anxiety for over 25 years. This site takes its readers into the depths of mental illness and anxiety from a Christian perspective, and how God has helped me cope with and manage my mental struggles.

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